Best Practices: Cleaning the Way to Vacation Day!

Dear OBX Friends,

At Ocean Atlantic Rentals, our renters and team members are like family. Over the past 40+ years we’ve provided clean, quality equipment to our renters.

Just as you have, recently we’ve taken extra care to focus on doing all the things we need to do to keep our families safe and healthy. We continue to monitor the rapidly evolving situation regarding COVID19 and are following guidance from federal, state and local agencies, including the CDC and other health organizations.

We know families need us so they can have amazing family vacations, and that is why our crew is working so hard to keep our inventory clean and ready for your use.

Here are the steps we’re taking to protect our renters and our OAR team:

In Our Stores

  • Cleaning commonly used areas including cashier stations, credit card terminals, and counters.
  • Sanitizing restrooms more frequently and restocking with supplies, including soap, paper towels and hand sanitizer.
  • Wiping down bike grips, chair armrests, kayak paddles and all places where our equipment is frequently handled.
  • Providing at our stores a source of free disinfectant wipes at our store counters.

For Our Associates

  • Encouraging our associates to closely monitor their health and well-being.
  • Providing hand sanitizer at our counter areas.
  • At the beginning of each day every company phone, company truck interior, company keyboard & mouse will be sanitized.
  • All staff is encouraged to use Bluetooth devices with personal cellphones whenever possible.
  • All staff is encouraged to follow best practices to avoid touching their face.
  • After rental gear is cleaned, associated will wash their hands.
  • Asking our associates to stay home if they, or someone in their household, are sick.
  • Reminding our associates about our procedures for cleaning each product we stock or rent.
  • Suspending business air travel for associates and recommending virtual meetings.

For Our Customers

  • Encouraging our renters to follow the CDC’s suggested hygiene practices to reduce the spread of the virus.

In everything we do, we’re guided by our commitment to provide an Incredible Place to Work & Rent.  We still believe the Outer Banks is one of the safest places to vacation and play.


Thank you for being a loyal customer; if we can help detail with you the safe handling of our equipment, please feel free to speak with any member of our management staff at 252-261-RENT.


Chris Marik

Ocean Atlantic Rentals




Ocean Atlantic Beach Vacation Rental Gear