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Bike Light


The Frog Light style bicycle light is a simple silicone bike light that attaches to handlebars, forks, or anything you want to wrap it around. The light can be on, off, or flashing and should be used during dawn, dusk and night riding. Please Bike Safely, NC Bicycle Laws & Policies



The Frog light style bicycle light is a simple silicone bike light that attaches to handlebars, forks, or anything you want to wrap it around. The light can be on, off, or flashing. We recommend it for safe bike riding when natural light is less than optimal. It includes two CR2032 batteries. 19 grams total weight(including batteries). To be used as a safety light only.

Product Features: 2 LEDs – 2 modes: Constant & Strobe Flexible silicon body with an integrated clip feature allows for quick mounting Visible up to 1/3 of a mile Burn time of 50 hours constant, and 80 hours in flashing mode 25 lumens output Color may vary. (available for retail purchase, not a rental item. No discounts apply) Please Bike Safely, NC Bicycle Laws & Policies here!

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